
My Dad.

Don't know why I am doing this on here but it will make me feel better.

Today is a very sad day for me, I lost my dad. I didn't have time to get ready for it so now I feel like I am in a dream, I wish it was a dream. I haven't been to sleep yet because I am scared of waking up with that feeling you get in the morning where you forget whats happened and you feel happy for two seconds. My whole world is going to change now, I cant believe I have no dad to look after me any more. I am going to so miss me, my dad and brothers all having dissin matches and dad getting merc'd nearly every time. Who is gonna cook me my Sunday dinner now? And who is going to replace my Ipod every year? Who am I going to ask how to spell things?

I wish I could have said so many things, I hope he knew I loved him and that I didn't mean to be a bitch. Maybe now he is looking down on me he will see that I love him. I never want this to feel real. I am just glad that my brothers and me all have parts of my dads personality because every time one of my brothers make me laugh I will know that it came from dad.

I am never going to be the same again and now I feel like your little girl again more than ever. I will never forget all the things we spoke about when I was little I know you really only wanted what was best for us lot.

I know I will see you again so I am not saying bye I am gonna say see ya l8a dad I love ya. P.s thank what ever granddad gave me my ears and tell Tony I love him and tell him not to annoy you like I know he is gonna, in a good way.

I love you dad forever. xxx


  1. Kaycie my condolences, you have my deepest sympathy. Hope you get a lot of support from friends and family.
