
Roast Dinner :-)

This is over two years old but still makes me laugh. We all look so different now. :-) 
Today I had a really lovely dinner with Jessica's  family, for Jessica's birthday. It was sooo nice! I haven't had roast lamb since dad died, so it took me back. I really do feel like part of their family and they see me as if I am part of the furniture :-). I am so full now and on a bit of a sugar rush coz I had this toffee cake for pudding yumyum. Laura, Jess and I are all going to re-start our diets tomorrow tho coz we have been a bit naughty the last few days or so...hehe. We have got 3 weeks till we go up London for all three of our birthdays. We are going to book in to a hotel and get ready there and then hit a club :-D I am so excited. Jess has found her dress already, Laura and I are still looking.. We are gonna go classy but sexy at the same time. Ahhhhhhh I cant wait!

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