
Worked out hard today with Jessica :-D

Today me and Jess started to work out with each other, we started off by walking to Costa for our morning skinny latte.. hehe! But we actually did a full body work out, we did abs, arms, legs and tummy. Then we went on the Wii fit, Then we went for a jog around the block, the jog felt so good! and we finished up by walking about a mile or so just to relax our bodys and clear our minds. The walk was very therapeutic for me, coz when your walking with some one else and talking you don't really think of your own problems or worries. Tomorrow I am gonna wake up at about 7am and bath then knock for jess to go jogging again :-) x  



I look ugly coz I got no make up on hehe! 
I can not tell ya how much I love coffee!!! It is my treat of all treats.. and its the only thing I don't care about the amount of cals it has hehe! I just don't think there is any thing better than meeting up with me mates and having laughs and giggles over a skinny latte :-) what eva rocks ya boat aye?! 

No weight gain! no pain :-)



New Pic :-)

Still got so much working out to do. :-) but getting there xxx yay! I just have so much fun trying clothes on! enjoying being me . :-) feel bored but happy! 


Posing like a mofo :-)

Calorie counting and Wii fit, Sport and Resort :-) it's been allot of hard work to get to this.. and over my birthday I kinda broke my diet, things are back on track today tho! I love the new me, I have never felt so connected with my self or more complete as a person. I enjoy buying clothes because I can wear anything. The only thing is I need to find a balance in my diet.  

The New puppy (TINIE)

My mum and Biggie and Tinie x
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This is my Mummas new doggie!! I love him! His name is Tinie.. Named after my fave UK artist Tinie Tempah :-D He is soooo cute and loving like Mums other dog Biggie xox Love ya mumma! xox

My Birthday!

I had such a wicked Birthday! A few of me mates came and we went to my brothers pub. I got drunk off of 5 small glasses of rose! :-)  Laura and I ended up eating salami off of each others eyes. Laura and I had sooo much laughs!! we got trapped in the ladies toilets, every door we opened was another toilet lol! we both are the same size now and we were both chubby before so most of the night we were in the mirror admiring how skinny we now are and loving it!!! :-D had a good time and feel really happy at the moment. I got a whole new wardrobe full of beautiful clothes :-) and a packed out social calander now! I feel like a new person xxxxx  

Hair did!

I had lots cut off and its still long, thanks so much Kristen I loveee my new hair! bff for lifeeee baby! xox


Hair Do I Don't I??

Today I am going to Kristens house, Kris is my best mate and she is a hairdresser. The pic is the last hair dooOo she did for me. For my Birthday she is giving me a new style and a fringe :-) How much should I have cut off?? My hair is my lifeeee hehe! I woke up at 6am today laid in bed tossing and turning about it ha! I am gonna have to leave it in her hands she knows bestest! Kris if you read this me Loveeees you ginger smerfie! xox


Had such a lovely day with the girls!

Today I went to see the girls from college and I had such a lovely lovely day! I met them in Windsor and we had a lovely lunch, many laughs and lots of chatting. Karla is pregnant and she was truly glowing! love these girls. they got me a special birthday card and put a penny in it for good luck! hehe when I saw it I said.. erm I got a PENNY hehe! still feeling really high from the day. :-D


I asked will I ever be happy.



Ghazal 374

Rose petals let us scatter
And fill the cup with red wine
The firmaments let us shatter
And come with a new design

If sorrow's soldiers incite
To shed lovers' blood tonight
With beloved I will unite
And his foundations malign

Pour the red wine with control
Like rose-water into the bowl
While fragrant breeze will roll
And sweet incense refine

With a harp on display
We ask the players to play
While clapping we sing and say
And dancing, our heads decline

Blow our dust O gentle breeze
And throw at the Master's knees
The Good King has the keys
While we glance at the sign

One boasts & brags with his mind
One weaves talks of idle kind
All the judgment that we find
Let the Judge weigh and define

If Eden is what you need
To the tavern let us speed
The jug of wine let us heed
And Paradise will be thine

Merry songs and fair speech
In Shiraz they do not teach
Another land let us reach
Hafiz, and then we shine

Miss you Dad.


What I would give to have you here now. I am so so empty and angry! I need you still I am still your baby. I just want to be with you now. I wish you would come and see me in my dreams so we could spend some time together.

I would cut my own hand off to eat one of your roast dinners. Every sunday I miss starving my self in prep of our family dinners. Just smelling the meat in the morning.. then my tummy rumbles.. all through the day I went by smell.. soon as I smelt the veg cooking I knew it wasn't long before you would shout out all our names for dinner... some times you forgot one of our names lol and I would laugh in my room.

I am so sorry for the way I treated you dad, And I am so sorry I wasn't there holding your hand when I should have. I know you would have killed your self for me with out thinking about it. I was the worst daughter to you, and I know it. but you still loved and protected me.

I cant believe your gone, I wish it was me I truly do. You going is like the world ending for all of us. Half of my heart is dead I just wish I was. I want to be with you soon dad and I know that hurts you when I say that but I cant live with out you.

Every Birthday I have, I have to walk past your chair and see it empty and not hear happy birthday darling and not have you make me a tea I don't want to have another!

You were my hero you are my hero. I love you dad with all my heart and I am sorry! xox